Life science
& medical supplies
Clinical laboratory equipment. Products for science and research
- Reproductive medicine
- Cytogenetics
- Cell Biology
- Pipetting & centrifugation
- Slides and Histopathology
- Molecular Biology
- Technical Service
- cell technology
- incubation (cultivation)
- liquid handling
- cryopreservation
- Sample Tubes
- Sample Prep. Instruments
- microscopy and histopathology
- centrifugation
- purification
- IVF clinics
- Instrument servis
- Gloves
- storage
- Cytogenetics - chromosome sample prep
New products in our eshop.
Sale - special offer and sale products
Reproductive medicine
Consumables and instruments for IVF clinics
micromanipulation pipettes, vitrification, incubators, lasers, antivibration solutions
reagent solutions for cytogenetics
chromosome harvester, chromosome spreader, chromosome stainer
Cell Biology
Laboratory technology and reagents
micromanipulators, centrifuges, liquid handling, dishes, laminar boxes, special incubators and more
Pipetting & centrifugation
Complete laboratory equipment
pipetting and dosing of liquids, centrifugation, shaking, freezing boxes, sample preparation, mixers
Slides and Histopathology
Instruments, tools and materials for microscopy
Preparation and digitization of slides, aids for advanced microscopy
Molecular Biology
Equipment for basic research and clinical laboratories
consumables and instruments, reagents for isolation, PCR, archiving
Life M is a Czech company that focuses mainly on the sale of consumables, reagents and small laboratory instruments for reproductive media (IVF), cell and molecular biology, as well as for laboratories in general.
The goal of our company is to provide its customers with quality products, services and service.