Life science
& medical supplies
& medical supplies
Clinical laboratory equipment. Products for science and research
- Reproductive medicine
- Cytogenetics
- Cell Biology
- Pipetting & centrifugation
- Slides and Histopathology
- Molecular Biology
- Technical Service
- cell technology
- incubation (cultivation)
- liquid handling
- cryopreservation
- Sample Tubes
- Sample Prep. Instruments
- microscopy and histopathology
- centrifugation
- purification
- IVF clinics
- Instrument servis
- Gloves
- storage
- Cytogenetics - chromosome sample prep
ISA Centrifuge IVF Andrology set
incl. swing out rotor for up to 12 conical 15 ml tubes
AFI-CI060V-E/IVF set
3 312,80 €